Building a primitive wattle and daub hit from scratch

Um rapaz no meio da floresta constrói uma casa com as próprias mãos usando pedras para cortar madeira e esfregando gravetos para conseguir fogo. A maneira como construiu a cabana é incrível, especialmente a parte em que cria vasos para coletar água. Um vídeo bonito de se ver e que dá uma vontade tremenda de fazer igual ^^ (mas acho que eu preferiria usar ferramentas mais modernas)

A casa tem 2,00x2,00m a cumeeira do telhado também está a 2,00m do chão com uma inclinação de 45º de telhado.

Texto Original:
I built this hut in the bush using naturally occurring materials and primitive tools. The hut is 2m wide and 2m long, the side walls are 1m high and the ridge line (highest point) is 2m high giving a roof angle of 45 degrees. A bed was built inside and it takes up a little less than half the hut. The tools used were a stone hand axe to chop wood, fire sticks to make fire, a digging stick for digging and clay pots to carry water. The materials used in the hut were wood for the frame, vine and lawyer cane for lashings and mud for daubing. Broad leaves were initially used as thatch which worked well for about four months before starting to rot. The roof was then covered with sheets of paper bark which proved to be a better roofing material. An external fireplace and chimney were also built to reduce smoke inside. The hut is a small yet comfortable shelter and provides room to store tools and materials out of the weather.


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